Alexandra Śmietana studied sculpture, art therapy, art education and psychology. In 2014, she defended with honors her first master’s degree in sculpture at the Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw, Poland in the atelier of professor Maciej Zychowicz. In 2019, she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw under the supervision of professor Adam Myjak. In 2015, she received a scholarship at the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha in Cuenca, Spain.

She participated in many collective exhibitions in Poland and abroad, including United Kingdom, Spain and Germany. Her work was awarded in the 2019 Figurativas competition and is included in the permanent collection of the Museu Europeu d’Art Modern in Barcelona.

Aleksandras’ art is based on figuration and in figuration. With the help of modest forms, delicacy and subtleties she can bring out a lot of meaning and symbolism.
She likes to work with feelings and show them in her art, which expresses and evokes emotions. 

Art exhibitions

2022 – Face 2022, The Garrison Chapel, London
2022 – Thirtieth anniversary, Exhibition of graduates and professors, Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw
2021 – Figurativas 2021, Museu Europeu d’Art Modern, Barcelona
2021 – Face 2021, La Galeria Pall Mall, London
2020 – Face 2020, La Galeria Pall Mall, London
2019 – Figurativas 2019, Museu Europeu d’Art Modern, Barcelona
2019 – The 14th International Autumn Salon of Art, BWA, Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski 2019 – Biennale of Small Sculptural Form, Academy of Fine Arts, Poznan
2019 – GIFA 2019, Dusseldorf
2019 – The evil woman, Sztuka Wyboru Gallery, Gdansk
2018 – Exhibition of the Sculpture Studio, Defabryka, Warsaw
2018 – Exhibition of sculpture studio of prof. Adam Myjak, Wola Center, Warsaw. 2017 – Akademiks, Burakowska 14, Warsaw.
2017 – Genetic Code: 21, Botanical Garden of the University of Warsaw, Warsaw.